Boston Church of Christ

    1. In a browser go to
    2. Click on 'Give Now'.
    3. Choose your Region from the list.
    4. You will be prompted to login. If you do not have or do not remember your login credentials, simply create a new account. We will tie any new account to your existing account.
    5. Update your contact information.
    6. If this is a onetime donation, un-check the "Setup Scheduled Gift" box. Otherwise, you will be creating a Scheduled Gift profile.
    7. Give your profile a descriptive name like "Regular Contribution", "Benevolence", etc.
    8. Select the frequency of your gift (Weekly, Monthly, etc.).
    9. Choose a start date.
    10. Fill in the number of payments or simply leave the default "Pay Until Further Notice".
    11. Fill in the amount of your donation next to the fund(s) you want to give to. (See Fund Descriptions from the Help menu). You can make donations to multiple funds at once. If you want to give some donations weekly, and others monthly, you will need to create two profiles.
    12. If you are using a Debit or Credit card, please consider checking the box to cover the 2.2% processing fee; otherwise please use your bank account.
    13. You will need to set up a "Payment Method". This can then be saved for future use. Be sure to give the "Payment Method" a descriptive name.
    14. To set up and ACH from your bank account you will need the ABA number and Account number found on the bottom of your check. If you are using a Money Market or Savings Account, please confirm with your bank that they accept ACH or Auto Withdrawal transactions.
    15. If you choose to use a Debit card, please note that it is treated like a Credit card transaction and we are charged the same fees. If you must use a Debit or Credit card, please consider covering the fees.

    Now that the form is complete, hit next to complete the donation.